Adventure Club
The Canadian electronic music duo, Adventure Club, consisting of Christian Srigley and Leighton James, will close the evening on Saturday, February 15, at Parc Portuaire in grand style with their numerous hits, which have amassed millions of streams on platforms like Spotify. Their tracks, including Crave You by Flight Facilities, Crash 2.0, and Gold with Yuna, have made a significant impact on the electronic music scene. Adventure Club has performed at some of the world’s biggest music festivals and, over the years, while working on their own projects, the duo has remixed tracks by renowned artists such as Kehlani and Virtual Self and collaborated with names like Snails and Sara Diamond. Particularly, their club remix of Undercover with Kehlani earned them a Grammy nomination in 2018 for Best Remixed Recording. Additionally, the duo has been nominated for two Juno Awards for Best New Group and Best Electronic Album.
Easily considered one of the pioneers of dubstep, Adventure Club continues to push boundaries and keep the melodic dubstep genre alive and thriving.